I am thinking if I should switch to using a Facebook page instead. Pros - Easier to follow, to be followed. The Blogger 'follow' functionality is not as user-friendly. - Tagging. Able to tag people easily, so those who are mentioned in a post would receive an instant notification. - Easier to manage. Same login details as my personal Facebook profile (though the 'administrator' of a Page would not be shown on the Page). I check my Facebook ten thousand times a day, the Facebook app is updated constantly on smartphones. Cons - Everyone who reads my blog now has a Facebook account, but most would not be comfortable posting comments, liking the Page using their personal Facebook account. - Cannot easily move the old posts across to Facebook. There is an option to 'backdate' posts, but I can only backdate posts to the date the Page is created, nothing earlier than Page creation date. Option 1: Don't move Option 2: Move. Opti...