So I've just had my last (official) twelve week post-exposure test. I'm actually happy to see the clinical nurse consultant again. He's a Caucasian, gay, in his late 40s probably. He's always smiling and seeing how enthusiastic he is with his work makes me feel like I should probably do something as meaningful as his. He asked me how I have been doing. I hesitated n decided not to waste his time. The worries, the fears, are for me to grow. I thought his time would be better used for other patients. He said unlike in the past, I will have to come back to see him this time for the results. He said because this is my last test n it's like the rule. So I'll be seeing him on Thursday morning. I did tell him about the unprotected oral sex. He said it's considered to be low risk. And then I asked him if he's seen anyone who got infected because of oral sex. To which he replied, yes, there were people who claimed oral sex to be the only activity but how true...